
Exodus: 1:8-18 , 2:1-10
Courage and compassion

Today's scripture is a little bit long :)

Many years after the story of Joseph, the Egyptian people stopped sharing the stories of that time. They began to resent the present of the Israelite/Hebrew people and began oppressing them for imagined threats to power. 

First we hear of the new king/Pharoah of Egypt getting everyone riled up so that they fear a people who were different. Then he starts divisions -- creating huge gaps between the 'have' and 'have nots' in society. Then he escalates and begins killing children. This use of power to manipulate fear and anger is still enacted in our world today. But then the midwives begin a quiet revolt. They use their power with subtlety. Their choices and actions push against the king but also incite courage within their own community. 

Then we hear the story of Moses, the baby found in the rushes. We see women of different ages and status come together to save the life of a child. Not with violence or anger but with care and compassion. 

Where do we see ourselves in this story today? Are we allowing ourselves to be manipulated into thinking different is fearful, that we are more important than others? Are we pushing others into courageous living as we offer care, compassion and love to God's world?

Where are we? Where would we like to be? Can we come together to make good happen?

Photo credit: Rainbow at Sunset near Oyen. by Byrne Edette Huston (source Facebook)