Called by God

John 1:35-42 Jesus calls disciples;

Isaiah 49:1-7 called to all nations;

1 Corinthians 1:1-9 called to be God's team

This is a week with many reminders of how God calls us into the world... not just in our scriptures but also in some of the world's celebrations. 

We celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King Jr. We listened to his stirring 'I have a dream' speech this morning and considered what our dream of the world might look light and how it might matchw ith God's and what we are doing to make it happen. 

The Baha'i Faith stops to recognize "World Religion Day" when they recognize that all faiths hear God's call and follow the path that God places them on. 

The Week of Prayer for Christian Unity is also this week. A time when we are asked to consider how we are working together as Christians to bring God's love to the world. 

How are we doing? Are we listening? Are we loving God's world as God calls us to do?