
Genesis 29:15–28 Laban, Jacob, Leah and Rachel
Our focus scripture this week is
Genesis 29:15–28 Common English Bible.  
We are following the story of Jacob and this week he finds himself instead of the perpetrator of deceit and disloyalty but the receipient of it.
As it is told, the story tells us of Laban and Jacob.
But what we might miss is that this is also the story of Leah and Rachel.
This is the story of a cultural system that is constructed to benefit one portion of society. 
It could raise for us the struggle between knowing when to be silent and when to be a voice of justice. 
of hearing the stories of those who are silenced;
of knowing the difference between a silence that holds the word of God,
and the silence that refuses to allow the word of God to be lived by all.
Which silence do we want to be part of -- the one that holds others down for our benefit or the one that listens to the voice of God steering us toward justice for all?
Photo credit: 2019.10.10 Athabasca, Alberta (Bill Nagel) Source: Facebook Mike Sobel on Global