
John 12:1-8 Jesus Is Anointed at Bethany
The Taste and Smell of Love

In our explorations today, we thought about the fragrances that inspire us and bring back memories. The most commonly remembered fragrance was that of fresh bread, but also chocolate chip cookies and cinnamon buns... mostly food.

Those fragrances reminded people of being cared for. They evoked memories of parents, of aunts, of family, sharing with each other and making special moments. When those fragrances come around again they bring up feelings that connect us with those who have gone before and we tell stories about those good memories, those good people. 

Today's scripture includes a fragrance of love. Something given freely that would offer support and care, and make the recipient feel good in the midst of a time in their life when good was going to be hard to come by. 

What fragrances of love do we offer to those around us? Do we make struggling people feel good? Do we disparage the gifts of others because we just don't understand?

What does our love look like to the world today?