
Acts 9:36-43 Peter brings Tabitha back to life.
Mother's Day

As we move through the Easter Season, we find the story of Tabitha linked into our Mother's Day celebrations. 

Today's reflection connected with the Mothers of the world who have given their time, energy and lives for the good of community, for the goal of peace, for the goal of loving the world. These are good things to remember and honour. 

But we also need to remember that there are people who have experienced women who do not do well at Mothering. Children are not always cared for, not cherished for the gifts that they are.

For those who have experienced such neglect and find Mothering Sunday a challenge, we encourage them to open their vision wider than the humanly defined Mother. Who in your community has offered you acceptance, has encouraged you to be your best, has welcomed your presence your gift of love in their life? They may have looked like a friend, a neighbour, a worker. They may not have identified as female! These are the Mothers of your life. Where has someone spoken up for you, encouraged you to ask for justice, offered peace and compassion to you. These are the Mothers of your life.  How can you, having experienced the lack of mothering, offer something more the to the world than you received? 

Tabitha's story speaks of offering what we have for the good of the world.

May we all, wherever we are, whoever we are follow her example.